Monday, November 14, 2005


Why are we told not to hold our beautiful babies too much because they might get spoiled? I say spoil them all you can while they will let you hold them. All too soon he will want to venture out on his own.

Very Proud Big Brothers and Sister

Andrew, Joellyn, Brandon and Tyler are thrilled to have a new baby brother. We are so thankful for all their help. Andrew and Joellyn are old pros at this baby brother stuff and Brandon and Tyler think Connor is very "cool." They like to know where he is at all times and need to hold him at every opportunity.

Connor Matthew Robert Smith

October 20th the Lord blessed us with a beautiful baby boy. Connor made his entrance into the world at 8:01 am at 7 lbs. 15 oz. and 21 inches long. Ron and Joellyn were in the delivery room with me - a planned C-section. Joellyn's comment after the delivery was that it was "amazing." We (Ron and I) had a very hard time naming this little boy and finally decided on Connor because it seems to go with Brandon and Tyler; Matthew meaning "gift of the Lord" and Robert after Ron's maternal grandfather.